These prayer points wil lbe regularly updated.....
Updated 10 November 2014.....
Pray about the consultation on abortion launched recently by the Department of Justice in April. While this is consultation about a limited range of abortion options, based mainly on circumstances where there is foetal abormality, there is no doubt that it will be used by the pro-abortion lobby and certain sections of the media to promote broader reform. Pray that there would be a good response from Christians across the Province.
Pray for a greater respect for the Lord's Day in our Province.
Give thanks that the National Trust review of the exhibit at the new Giant's Causeway Visitor Centre which addresses althernative views on the origins of the stones has not been removed as demanded by some. The new wording is less than we would have liked, but, despite the changes, there is, for the first time anywhere in the UK as far as we are aware, is a respectful recognition of other views of the origins if life and of the earth.
Pray for Christian politicians at Stormont, Westminster, Europe and the Local Councils - that they might be prepared to take a strong stand in the face of growing opposition, and raise Biblical standards in our Province and nation.
Pray that our financial base would grow so that we might be able to be more effective in a range of areas.
We intend to develop our lobbying at the NI Assembly. We will write to all MLAs and seek meetings with all the parties. Please pray for a positive repsonse from our politicians.
Pray for all MPs, MEPS, MLAs and Councillors, especially for those Christians who occupy posts as Ministers in the Executive and in other areas of authority. Pray that evangelical politicians would promote and defend Biblical standards in society and that they would resist any pressure to compromise on fundamental issues.
Pray for the Royal Family. Pray that the Royal Family would turn to the Lord and seek to set a godly example to the nation. May we all pray, "God save the Queen".
Pray for the Caleb officers - Wallace Thompson (chairman); Rev Billy Park (vice-chairman); Rev Philip Campbell (secretary), Pastor Noel Somerville (Treasurer).
Pray for the Caleb Council of Reference and the Executive Committee - pray for unity, wisdom and grace as they seek to direct the work of the Foundation.
Pray for our continued liaison with the BBC, that we might be able to build on the progress made so far in relation to a better and fairer representation for evangelicals on local radio and TV.
Give thanks for all that has been achieved by the Caleb Foundation so far.